Birth of a Bird

What if you could jump inside of a song? What if you could touch sound? What if instruments in musical compositions came to life? Birth of a Bird transports the user into the middle of the composition. They hear the sounds move around them. They can touch the sounds, hold them in their hand, bring them to their ear to hear new details, or bring them together to create new duets, changing the whole mood of the piece.

Interactive music

In Birth of a Bird, the sounds react to your actions. Each instrument is represented as a floating light. If you caress those lights tenderly, the music they make also gets more tender. But if you treat them aggressively, the music becomes more intense. Virtual Reality enables you to truly interact with music. Every experience will be different. Though it's not a game, there's an element of exploration, as you can find new songs if you listen closely and follow the clues the sounds provide...

Birth of a Bird is being developed in collaboration with Helsinki XR Center, a leading developer hub for XR applications in Finland. At the moment it's in development phase. It had its first public demo in MatchXR 2022, where it received some very good feedback.

Skeleton Conductor

Embodied VR artwork, where audience conducts the audiovisual environment with their movements.


Choreography: Hanna Pajala-Assefa

Visual design: Daniel Leggat

Sound design: Janne Storm

Skeleton Conductor XR Art is a unique VR artwork, that explores kinaesthetic composition and self-awareness.

The user-centric multi-sensorial virtual artwork is a new technology, participatory media art. The experiencer of the individual work is the subject and author of their own experience. Bodily actions produce and shape the visual and musical dimensions of the experience and the augmented impulses are filtered through the embodied perception – the experiencer both produces and interprets their own story as active agents.

Skeleton Conductor XR Art has been shown at art and VR festivals and it received the People's Choice Award 2020 on its premiere at Altered-festival (USA).